


Being generous to the work of God’s Kingdom has been a part of God’s challenge to His people since the very beginning. This means that a follower of Christ should make worship through giving a priority in their life. Honoring God with our finances demonstrates our trust in His provision for our life. 

multiple ways to give

  1. Directly through your banking institution by making us a payee. Most banks require an address to make this happen. Consult with your bank to learn what is needed.
  2. Cash or checks can be received at the church utilizing one of our three offering boxes. These are securely locked until all gifts are ready to be counted. Please use one of our giving envelopes located at the box so that your gift will be properly recorded.
  3. Checks can also be mailed to the church using our address below.
  4. Safe and secure online giving is also available at FCC. This method allows you to plan your giving by scheduling it for whenever it’s good for you. By automating your giving this way, it allows you to be  more consistent in your giving. See instructions below to get started!

get started with online giving

  1. Click "GIVE NOW” below to get started.
  2. Utilizing our services with Planning Center you will be prompted to enter your phone number. This will begin to link your giving history with your profile in our church database.
  3. Follow the prompts as directed to add your banking information. Planning Center utilizes STRIPE as its secure transactional vendor.

Click the button below to view the step-by-step

guide to utilizing online giving.

Common Questions


Please note that we only accept bank ACH transfers and debit cards, not credit card transactions at this time. The reason behind this is two-fold:

  1. No one should go into debt to give to the church (though we fully recognize that not all use of credit cards reflects debt or unhealthy spending)
  2. The fees assessed to the church using all forms of credit cards can cost between 3.5%-5%

HOw is my offering used?

Our church Treasurer and Board monitor our income and expenses closely. Your offering is used toward general ministry, building/maintenance , and our denomination to name a few major areas.  Additionally 3.5% of each gift is used towards our local Mercy Fund. The Mercy Team helps and supports the local community with food, bills, payments and so much more.

If you have any questions, please contact our office at 810-732-0282 today!
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