Being generous to the work of God’s Kingdom has been a part of God’s challenge to His people since the very beginning. This means that a follower of Christ should make worship through giving a priority in their life. Honoring God with our finances demonstrates our trust in His provision for our life.
Click the button below to view the step-by-step
guide to utilizing online giving.
Please note that we only accept bank ACH transfers and debit cards, not credit card transactions at this time. The reason behind this is two-fold:
Our church Treasurer and Board monitor our income and expenses closely. Your offering is used toward general ministry, building/maintenance , and our denomination to name a few major areas. Additionally 3.5% of each gift is used towards our local Mercy Fund. The Mercy Team helps and supports the local community with food, bills, payments and so much more.
Gather with us
on Sundays to worship, learn, and grow.
9500 W. Pierson Rd. Flushing, MI 48433