Building Reservation


Please Read the building guideline and Facility Rental fees  before filling out the form at the end.

Building guidelines

Our church building and property is to be used for activities that are consistent with the religious beliefs of the Church of the Nazarene and found in the manual of the Church of the Nazarene. There are activities and practices which the Church of the Nazarene does not endorse (such as gambling, drug use, alcohol consumption, same sex weddings) and are prohibited on the church property. If there are questions regarding your event, please contact the office of Flushing Community Church of the Nazarene ( for clarification.

Violating this policy could result in the immediate cancellation and termination of the event. 

  • Access to the church building will be gained through the appropriate key box. The code for the key box will be given to the lessee the day prior to the event date. If the key is lost a fee could be charged to rekey the church facility. The lock box code is not to be shared with others. This ensures the safety and security of the church property and the people inside the facility.
  • It is the lessee’s responsibility to return items in the building to the condition in which they were initially found. If tables and chairs were moved to accommodate your group, please return them to their original location.
  • During and after the event, all trash should be picked up and placed in the appropriate receptacles. When trash receptacles are full and/or at the end of the event, empty trash receptacles and place waste in the dumpster at the end of the parking lot.
  • If the kitchen is used, please wipe down the countertops, tables, and other surfaces used. Cleaners are available beneath the sink in the kitchen.
  • The lessee is responsible for any broken or missing items. Please notify the church office ( if something is lost or damaged.
  • For athletic events, all coaches are responsible for having a completed Athletic Release and Waiver Form. A copy of the form can be found here.  The coach is responsible to mark sure this form is filled out for each of their players on the premises during each and every rental event.
  • AED equipment is available in the Gym and in the Cafe. 

Facility Rental Fees

The following policy has been approved by Flushing Community Church’s Board to establish rental practices for its facilities. Due to the ever-increasing costs of building operations and maintenance these fees are considered non- negotiable.

Members and Attenders Who Are Actively Involved in the Ministry of FCCN

There is a flat rental fee of $25 per hour with a maximum of $125/day for any one room or area of the building for not- for profit activities. The church member and/or attender must be present for the entire duration of the event. If a church member and/or attender is not able to be present, then non-member/attender fees will be applied. If property is lost or damaged, then member/attender will be held responsible for the repairs or replacement.

Athletic Teams

As an outreach to our community, athletic teams will be charged a flat rate of $50 per hour for use of the main gym as a practice facility. All practice times must be pre-scheduled and if a conflict arises with a church activity, the practice will be changed or cancelled. Reasonable efforts will be made to contact the coach with any necessary schedule changes.

Facility Rental Fees for All Other Events

A $500 Security Deposit will be required for the rental of facility space. This deposit is refundable providing there is no damage at the end of the rental. The $500 deposit will be used to defray the expense of any repair or replacement costs. Damages or replacement costs exceeding $500 will be billed to the Renter.

No building rental is completely confirmed until payment is received. If payment is made by check, the check must clear before rental is completely confirmed.

Lessee will be required to sign a Hold Harmless Agreement after reservation has been approved.

Gym $300 for the first 4 hours (minimum) +$75/ for each additional hour
Meeting Rooms $40 per hour
Technical Support $50 per hour
Cafe' $250 for the first 4 hours (minimum) +$65/ for each additional hour
Gym & Cafe' $500 for the first 4 hours (minimum) +$125/ for each additional hour

*Rental of Tables and Chairs: While there is no charge for borrowing tables/chairs, we would appreciate your consideration of a donation. Suggestion: $20 per 5 tables; $20 per 30 chairs. Use your judgement on how much you would like to give. Table/chair use is not available for any “for profit” business use. Any contribution should be given to the office and NOT combined with tithe/offerings.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our office at 810-732-0282 today!
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